
2 Marijani str., Tbilisi, Georgia

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Why Be Certified


Certification Program

The Certification Program is a service of the SBE contributing to the advancement of broadcast engineering for the general benefit of the entire broadcast industry.


In 1975, the SBE established a Certification Program to recognize and raise the professional status of broadcast engineers by providing standards of professional competence. Through the years, it has become recognized in the industry as the primary method of verifying the attainment of educational standards. With the industry constantly changing, the SBE-certified engineer must keep up with those changes. From the certified operator to the Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer, the SBE has a certification for every broadcast engineer and technician. 


The Certification Program is a service of the SBE contributing to the advancement of broadcast engineering for the general benefit of the entire broadcast industry.

Why You Should Become an SBE Certified Broadcast Engineer

The broadcasting industry is constantly evolving, and technological progress is accelerating. In this context, professional certification is an important step that strengthens your career and provides you with unique opportunities. Below, we present reasons why you should become a certified engineer with the SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers).

01  International Recognition and Professional Standard

SBE certification represents an internationally recognized standard in broadcast engineering. The certificate validates your professionalism, knowledge, and skills necessary to succeed in the modern broadcasting industry. Employers in America and around the world value the SBE certificate, which is equivalent to a university degree.

02  Career Development & Employment Opportunities

Obtaining an SBE certificate will enhance your employment prospects in both local and international markets. Employers seek certified professionals who can work with modern technologies and add new value to their companies.

03  Deepening Knowledge and Skills

During the certification process, you will undergo comprehensive training programs that cover all important aspects of broadcast engineering. This will help you deepen your knowledge, learn new technologies, and acquire practical skills necessary for everyday work.

04  Expanding Professional Network

SBE membership gives you the opportunity to meet and learn from leading engineers around the world. Participate in conferences, webinars, and events where you can establish professional connections, share experiences, and gain new ideas.

05  Support and Mentorship

IEEBE offers mentorship programs where experienced engineers assist you in studying, exam preparation, and professional development. We care about your success and are ready to help you every step of the way.

06  Local Support from IEEBE

We, the Incorporation of Eastern European Broadcast Engineers (IEEBE), are the official representative of the SBE in Georgia. This means you can obtain SBE certification here in Georgia without traveling to America. We offer training courses, exams, and support throughout your certification process.

07  Professional Prestige

The SBE certificate is a symbol of professional prestige. It demonstrates your commitment to the profession, your ability, and readiness to learn and develop. This prestige will help you gain more trust and respect from colleagues and employers.

08  Flexible Certification Programs

The SBE offers various levels of certification that correspond to your experience and goals. Whether it’s the Certified Television Operator (CTO) for beginners or the Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer for experienced professionals, you can choose a program that suits your needs.

09  Practical Knowledge of Modern Technologies

During the certification process, you will learn about modern technologies such as IP technologies, SMPTE 2110, and others. This knowledge is essential as the broadcasting industry moves into the IP space and looks toward the future.

Program Objectives
  • To raise the status of broadcast engineers by providing standards of professional competence in the practice of broadcast engineering and related technologies.
  • To recognize those individuals who, by fulfilling the requirements of knowledge, experience, responsibility and conduct, meet those standards of professional competence.
  • To encourage broadcast engineers to continue their professional development.


To be eligible for certification, you must have a strong interest in the design, operation, maintenance or administration of the day-to-day problems and achievements associated with the operation of a broadcast facility or related technology. You must also meet the specific eligibility requirements of the desired certification level. The SBE broadcast engineer certificate is not a license; it is a document that recognizes professional competence by peers in a professional, independent organization. Certification is for individuals only and may not be used to imply that an organization or firm is certified.

Certification and SBE Membership

While membership in the SBE is not a requirement of the Certification Program, and because SBE members share in the overhead cost of all SBE activities, non-member certification fees are higher.


Responsibility for administering the Certification Program rests with a National Certification Committee appointed by the SBE president with the approval of the SBE Board of Directors, members of which must be SBE certified. Qualifications of each candidate for certification will be judged by the National Certification Committee. Criteria for the examinations shall also be determined by the National Certification Committee. A certification director will be responsible for carrying out the details of the program. The certification director will serve on the committee as an advisor but will have no vote. This person will attend all meetings, keep the minutes of those meetings and prepare regular reports to the SBE Board of Directors. Examinations will be administered through local chapters under the supervision of proctors approved by the National Certification Committee. Where no chapters exist, the National Certification Committee will arrange for suitable testing procedures. These proctors will be the SBE officers, chapter officers, educators or other responsible persons.

SBE Certified logo

If you hold a valid SBE Certification, you are authorized to display the SBE Certified logo on your business cards, letterhead, resume, website and email signature.
